Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca. 95329

Below accompanying this story are two appeals regarding the Sacramento BIA and their recent untimely illegal actions regarding their continuing attempts to subvert the sovereignty of the California Valley Miwok Tribe. These illegal actions being conducted through a continuing illegal process that falls outside the perimeters of federal policy, procedures and guidelines implementing an internal process that repeatedly has never survived public comment periods or has ever been approved and implemented with defining purpose as to what its authority or intended use is for and definitely ever intended to illegally racially define a whole people’s genealogy, culture, and existence and to exterminate and illegally steal a tribe and genocide its citizens.

Amy Dutschke is the Regional Director of the BIA’s Pacific Regional office in Sacramento, California.

Again, the DEI hiring of Deb Haaland and Bryan Newland has done nothing for the rule of law in Indian Country.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe and its only ever recognized government who are the only ones to ever contract with and continue to do so with governmental entities and elected officials including and up to the president of the United States will not be quashed by secessionists currently in the employ of the Bureau of Indian Atrocities in Sacramento California for the sole purpose of their power mad money making schemes, pay offs and plans to take part in the biggest entertainment venture ever attempted in the state of California and planned to be put in the lucrative market of the San Francisco bay area.

The appeals were timely in their service upon the local BIA with expectations of rebuttal and not adherence to well established law , policy, procedures and guidelines that they are wholly in violation of while conducting an illegal action to terminate an existing organized federally recognized tribe. Doing this to reconstitute it with individuals under their control in which they can conduct business to personally enrich themselves and their families.

Below are the appeals that were filed as part of an initial process that gives legal foundation if further actions are to be undertaken.

The appeals are without the attachments received by the BIA which lay the groundwork, dissecting and clarifying to the letter every representation given due to the extensive amount of pages included in the supporting documents.

Much if not all unknown to the local BIA and some the local BIA probably unaware as to the extensive amount of information retained within the tribe’s network.


1) The appeal given by tribal citizens Mildred Burley and William Burley was received by local BIA with attachments numbering 545 pages.

5-22-24 M Burley and W Burley Notice of Appeal


2) The appeal given by Chairperson Silvia Burley in her official capacity and on behalf of the tribe and it’s duly elected government was received by local BIA with attachments numbering 557 pages.

5-22-24 S. Burley Chairperson Notice of Appeal