TEK Walk, Land Management Discussion, & NRCS Tribal Programs Session
9:00 AM
Welcome & Overview
Don Hankins, Miwok Tribal gatherer, Geography and Planning Department
CSU, Chico
9:15 AM
Partnering with Tribes: Examples from the NRCS
NRCS-CA Native Plant Materials Center Resources – Margaret Smither-Kopperl, Director, Lockeford Plant Materials Center
Tribal Land Management Support: Conservation Planning, NRCS-CA Tribal EQIP, Tribal Advisory Council and Project Examples – Pedro Torres, NRCS-CA Area 4 Tribal liaison
10:30 AM
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) management examples in the field
Jennifer Bates, Miwok Tribal gatherer/basketweaver
Danny Manning, Northern Maidu, Greenville Rancheria
Don Hankins, Miwok Tribal gatherer, Geography and Planning Department
CSU, Chico
12:30 PM Lunch Provided
Date: March 22, 2017 – 9:00am – 1:30pm
Location: NRCS-CA Plant Materials Center, 21001 Elliot Rd, Lockeford, CA 95237
Mileage Reimbursement Available to Tribal Land Managers!!!
Contact Keir Johnson-Reyes, Intertribal Agriculture Council, to RSVP by 3/17/17
916-995-3209 or keir@indianaglink.com