On Friday, February 25th, 2022, the California Valley Miwok Tribe delivered this month’s distributions to Program Director, Mildred Burley.
This month’s distribution included boxed fresh vegetables and fruits along with the same in canned form.
Also included were some eggs and bacon, snack foods and bath towels, hand towels and wash rags. 
This distribution included a variety of meats including spiral sliced hams, fish, bacon, roasts, bison and hamburger.
Tribal citizens were also resupplied with various covid related supplies due again to never ending covid fears that even once again befell our Tribal Elder and Program Director last month.
The very fact that the BIA has made it their agenda to deny the tribe, “Federal Covid Relief Funds” is why the tribe must diligently network with other organizations and government entities to make these supplies available to all tribal citizens and throws responsibility in no small part on them for any sickness or deaths the tribe has had to endure, including tribal fears every time our tribal elder has been put at risk. Being infected for a second time regardless of vaccinations and booster shots. 
( Included in this story please click on accompanying video included below and full description ).
We would like to thank the United States Department of Agriculture, the California Office of Emergency Services, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Walmart Stores Inc., Food For Less Stores Inc., Cost Less Stores Inc., Morada and its surrounding communities and to our Program Director, “Mildred Burley” who continues to stay strong for the tribe and continues to ever be motivated due to BIA malfeasance and corruption.  
In this video, California Valley Miwok Tribal Elder, Mildred Burley, calls out those who know that they are morally, ethically, politically and criminally wrong for their continuing and current attempted theft of her sovereign federally recognized tribe.
In yet another illegal attempt to steal, reorganize and disenroll all recognized members of government and citizenry so that never enrolled non-natives who have a casino deal with bay area oligarchs can proceed with plans to build the biggest entertainment enterprise in the California bay area unimpeded.
Senator Dianne Feinstein herself has been implicated through documentation and actions taken as one of the prominent players of this heinous insurrection.
Not to make light of the great patriots of the Ukraine who our hearts are with but like Ukraine these corrupt elected officials, federal bureaucrats, Oligarchs, California CCA / BIA, wish to remove the legal legitimate government and citizens of the tribe and instill their own population and puppet government that is already under contract to do their bidding. Abuse of real Native Americans over what is perceived by these bad actors as the second California gold rush, “CASINO” gives this tribe a troubling understanding of what our people must have experienced during the gold rush of 1849.
In this day and age, much like our fellow citizens of the human race in the Ukraine, we also thought that in a supposedly civilized society, this must not and would not ever be allowed to happen.
To see the puppet who these profiteers wish to legitimize and instill as Chairman of our tribe to which he is not even an enrolled member and to judge his competency for leadership, go to californiavalleymiwok.us and click on, “February 2022 USDA Food Distribution“. At the bottom of story, click on the pdf link, “Mendibles” to view the full court ordered deposition of Michael Mendibles. This individual and his family are co-conspirators in this continuing injustice against our elder seen in this video, tribal families and children all for the allure of riches and personal gain.

Thank you,

The California Valley Miwok Tribe