
The California Valley Miwok Tribe is overjoyed that such a qualified leader has been appointed by this administration to oversee the most important department in Indian Country.

Usually such an appointment is given to either someone with a teaching or legal background.

With this appointment we in Indian Country will not have someone whom has taught but never done, or someone whom was taught to stalemate in regards to disagreements.

We all should flourish under this new ASIA’s leadership. Tara Sweeney has a truly impressive resume and success is all inclusive to everything she has involved herself with in her career.

She has real world experience and has worked on a variety of issues for a multitude of corporations, boards, committee’s and campaigns and helped to assist, educate, protect and empower indigenous peoples.


The California Valley Miwok Tribe

2018 08 16 – Official news release and biography of new Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Tara Mac Lean Sweeney

Official press release of the U.S. Department of the interior