Food For Tribal Families Program Director Mildred Burley stands just behind the much needed Covid supplies in this month’s distribution. Note to the side in green bags the abundance of frozen items also included in this month’s distribution.
On Wednesday, September 29th, 2021, the California Valley Miwok Tribe delivered this month’s citizen distributions to its ( FFTF ) program director Mildred Burley.
With many Covid restrictions still in place and ever changing variants also on the horizon, the tribe also included various Covid supplies in an effort to assist all tribal citizens in maintaining personal preventative health standards.
The tribe has been very busy as of late and this distribution happened much later than intended and towards evening, but Mildred Burley, its program director, shuffled her schedule to be available for this month’s delivery stating tribal functions take precedence over all other matters.
For her dedication, we thank her and also to all those who gave so generously listed below.
The United States Department of Agriculture, Cal OES, FEMA, Walmart Stores Inc., Food For Less Stores INC., Costless Stores Inc., Morada and its surrounding communities and all others who make this program a continuing success.
Thank you,