California Valley Miwok Tribal elder Mildred Burley with Tom Patti, Supervisor for District 3 and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, holding the Indigenous Peoples’ Day proclamation.

Proclamation for Indigenous People's Day
Proclamation for Indigenous People's Day - California Valley Miwok Tribe

California Valley Miwok Tribal elder Mildred Burley with Tom Patti, Supervisor for District 3 and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, holding the Indigenous Peoples’ Day proclamation.
California Valley Miwok Tribal elder Mildred Burley with Tom Patti, Supervisor for District 3 and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, holding the Indigenous Peoples’ Day proclamation.
Click on the link below to download this press release as a PDF :
To view the San Joaquin County supervisorial proclamation forever commemorating the implementation of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, to be celebrated on October 12th and acceptance by Mildred Burley of the California Valley Miwok Tribe on behalf of the tribe and all indigenous people of California, please click on hotlink below :
Link to the original video (please watch from 29:10 to 34:53) :