05/20/2014 CTTP TANF Partnership meeting held at the Robinson Rancheria in Nice, CA.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT) is a partner Tribe of the California Tribal TANF Partnership aka CTTP TANF. On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, CVMT Chairperson Silvia Burley attended the annual CTTP TANF Partnership meeting called to order by the Robinson Rancheria Citizens Business Council in Nice, California.
History of CTTP – Robinson Rancheria is the grantee for CTTP. CTTP has been operating since 2004. When TANF was created, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) pushed for Tribal TANF programs as they felt Tribes could better serve Native American families utilizing Tribal cultures and traditions. The four purposes of Tribal TANF are to provide assistance to Native American families in need so that their children may be cared for in their own homes. To end dependency of government benefits through promoting education, career development and employment preparation. To reduce and prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and to encourage healthy formation and support two-parent families.
Supportive Services: Current Supportive Service Programs: Incentive for completion of vocational, certificate and licensure programs – Bus passes or reimbursed gas mileage for participation in work and school – Reimbursed childcare for participation in work and school – Assistance with obtaining a driver’s license – Assistance with grooming and hygiene – Assistance with clothing for job search – Assistance with special tools and equipment needed for work – Clothing allowance for newly employed – Vehicle repairs – Youth Services: Incentives for grades, Assistance with extra-curricular activity and Seasonal and school clothing allowance.
CTTP is currently serving 611 families – 425 adults, 974 children – in 16 counties and 14 site offices as of April 1, 2014. CTTP serves 25 partner Tribes as well as unaffiliated Native Americans. CTTP’s new Career Development Coordinators’ focus has been on teaching a 12-week job skills program, making contacts in the community, and expanding participants’ job readiness skills with the ultimate goal of obtaining employment. Since CTTP’s inception, there has been 350 families who have left the program due to employment and becoming self sufficient.
For more information on CTTP within San Joaquin County, contact Ms. Joni Drake (site Manager at (209) 474-6890 or visit https://www.cttp.net.