2013 National Award for Excellence in Neighborhood Watch
The California Valley Miwok Tribe congratulates the Morada Neighborhood Watch Program for their excellent work in deterring crime in the community of Morada.
Each year only three (3) of these awards are given out in the entire nation. Morada’s NW got one of those three awards. On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 the San Joaquin County Sheriff Steve Moore presented Donna Augustine with a plaque award that says. “2013 National Award for Excellence in Neighborhood Watch, presented to Morada Neighborhood Watch Program, San Joaquin County, California – Presented by The National Sheriff’s Association and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice”.
On Wednesday, August 28, 2013, the Stockton Record wrote about the Morada Neighborhood Watch Program being presented with the 2013 National Award, titled A Neighborhood Watch Success Story. Morada Neighborhood Watch organizer Bill Hughes said Morada residents had been frustrated with increased crime and in 2011 demanded a stronger patrol presence. When sheriff’s representatives suggested a Neighborhood Watch, the community hesitated. Nonetheless, in March 2011, the watch held its first meeting with more than 200 residents. Sheriff’s spokesman Deputy Les Garcia said Moore presented the Neighborhood Watch with an award and expressed how impressed he was that the community – which had been skeptical of the program’s worth in the past – has grown to a corps of 3,000 members and 60 block captains.
Communities interested in setting up their own Neighborhood Watch can call Mr. Bill Huges, who also serves as the Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch organizer, at (209) 468-4796.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe would like to take this time to thank the Morada community, the Morada Neighborhood Watch Program, Bill Hughes, Donna Augustine; Gayle Harrell; Sheriff Steve Moore; Deputy Riley; the National Sheriff’s Association; the Bureau of Justice Assistance; Office of Justice Programs; the U.S. Department of Justice and the individuals who provided food and drinks at the presentation. CVMT would also like to express our appreciation to the Spring Fellowship Church at 4799 Foppiano Lane, where the presentation was held.