Tribal Offices, Tribal land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca. 95329
This month’s USDA Food Distribution was held on Tuesday the 14th of March 2023.
It was another great distribution, but like the rest of California, the extreme weather was no one’s friend.
It was so extreme that there was only a short window to quickly unload and hurry everything along lest all be caught in what weather caster’s now like to refer to as the “atmospheric river”.
It has been just that and although we so badly needed this precipitation, our hearts go out to those effected by the massive flooding in the valley.
This also bothers us because the local BIA more concerned with the extermination and fictitious recreation of their Frankenstein’s monster version of us has halted any real assistance we could have offered.
As of today recent update shows that the local BIA’s nefarious attempt has the DOJ having to represent them in court on May the 2nd 2023.
This hearing is due to litigation in halting this once again tried, twice previously failed, attempt to illegally steal the tribe over various reasons and conditions found nowhere in federal Indian law being made up along the way.
Being once again the local corrupt BIA in Sacramento California is violating many procedures, statutes and fundamental laws, it has now triggered an APA, ( Administrative Procedure Act ) action.
We fully expect to once again be exonerated and for these questionable people and bad actors from local BIA to be put in their place.
What is their motive? One has to just follow the money.
Positivity however still abounds and it is thanks to all those listed below.
The United States Department of Agriculture, The Red Lake Nation of Minnesota, The California Office of Emergency Services, The California Department of Justice, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, The Tule River Tribe, The entire staff of its Food Distribution Department and Mr. Ronald Buckman.