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June 11, 2020
Now on the Indian Country Today site :
Indian Country’s COVID-19 syllabus
As of May 6, 2020 10:30 am EDT in the Indian health system. Confirmed by tribes, the Indian Health Service, state public health agencies or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Indian Country Today needs your help to gather positive…
Indian Country Today newscast with Michael Greyeyes
If you follow the Native actors in the world of the arts and entertainment industry, whether it be film, television, or fine arts and professional dance, you likely know the Indian Country Today newscast guest: Nehiyâw actor, director, and…
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Columbus is torn down, set on fire, tossed in the lake
The Associated Press A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond, Virginia, was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake. The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were…
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Top 10 Stories: What Indian Country read this past week
Vincent Schilling What you, our Indian Country readers, read most In Minneapolis, it’s AIM that serves and protects Fire during Minneapolis riots guts Native youth nonprofit 4 Native candidates for Congress advance to November Minneapolis Natives …
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Shoshone-Bannock transgender inmate makes history
Amanda Peacher A transgender Idaho inmate and citizen of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is on track to receive sex reassignment surgery next month following a ruling that sets precedent for much of the American West. The U.S. Supreme Court declined…
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10 people whose statues should replace Columbus
Mark Trahant Indian Country Today Around the world statues are coming down. Civil War generals. Mass murderers. And Christopher Columbus. In every case there are far more stone monuments remaining than are removed. A survey by the Southern…
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