

The California Valley Miwok Tribe held it’s USDA food distribution on July 17th, 2018 at the official tribal offices located at 4620 Shippee Ln. Morada California. The tribe is thankful to partner with the USDA and Tule River Food Distribution in providing this service locally to qualified participants.

The first distribution was on May 19th, 2009, and although the tribe has had to endure much interference in it’s government programs and even a devastating fire at the tribes previous offices, this service has remained unbroken.

Over the years there are so many whom have helped make this service a success. Some whom have helped make deliveries. Some whom have made donations. Those whom were once participants whose situations once improved moved on and helped others in need to find us.

To all those before mentioned, ” we thank you “. To all those whom we still service or that give of their property and / or time, ” we thank you ” for our continued success.

The lifelong and current relationships that came to be from the establishment of this program illuminate the strength of this program which continues to this day.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe