Bureau of Indian Affairs Funding (or lack of funding) for Tribal Government Programs
DATE: September 13 and 14, 2016
LOCATION: Tempe, Arizona
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, August 12, 2016
The BIA Tribal Government programs include:
- Aid to Tribal Government TPA
- Consolidated Tribal Government Program (CTGP) TPA
- Self-Governance Compacts TPA
- Small and Needy Tribes
- Road Maintenance
Many tribes have made funding for these programs a top budget priority. But the programs are not a priority for the Indian Affairs Office of Budget and Performance Management. The last time the BIA requested a funding increase for CTGP was in 1999.
If your tribe is frustrated with the lack of funding for these programs, you might be interested in this workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to help tribal government and BIA program managers to understand:
- The Indian Affairs FY 2017 Budget Justifications and Performance Information (the “green book”)
- Funding for tribal government programs including Aid to Tribal Government, Enrollment, and the Consolidated Tribal Government Program (CTGP)
- The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (“GPRA”), the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, and the Department of the Interior Strategic Plan
- How to advocate more effectively for funding for these programs
Holiday Inn Express
1520 W Baseline Road
Tempe, AZ 85283
Ph# 480.831.9800
A block of sleeping rooms has been set aside at the GSA rate of $113 plus 14.27% tax per night. To receive the rate, call the reservations department at 480.831.9800 and ask for the “Consultant on Indian Affairs” group rate.
Click here to download a registration form.
Completed forms may be sent by email to [email protected] or sent by regular mail to:
Michael D. Hughes
Consultant on Indian Affairs
PO Box 80127
Phoenix, AZ 85060