Program Director Mildred Burley stands with this month’s delivery which included three large bags of frozen meats to supplement tribal citizens protein requirements. Thank you to all who donate.
On Tuesday, August 24th, 2021, the California Valley Miwok Tribe delivered this month’s citizenship distribution to tribal elder and (FFTF) Program Director, Mildred Burley.
We are grateful to all individuals, merchants, suppliers and volunteers who stepped up this month to actually expand the size of this month’s delivery so that tribal citizens will not have to travel as far or as much for indiscriminate shopping thus lessening their chances of becoming yet another statistic in Covid related cases.
This was one of our better distributions and although maybe only a one-time donation, we were gifted by a local Costless affiliate with twenty plus pounds of frozen meats to the benefit of tribal citizens, upon describing the tribe’s hardship’s due to local BIA-CCA illegal interference affecting the lives of citizen elders and children alike.
It was a pretty hazy day as is also the new normal with the raging fires all around us. We hope for the best for all those affected as we too in years past experienced the same devastation and although no real help came from the state of California or the federal government ( the last due to the same local BIA interference that still plagues us to this day ), we did receive some assistance from our neighbors and a local charity that helped us back onto our feet for which we will be forever grateful.
It is your neighbors and local community that will be there for you in time of need, that is why having a strong community is of such importance.
We would like to thank all those listed below for donating a part of what completed this month’s big picture.
The United States Department of Agriculture, Walmart Stores Inc., Food For Less Stores Inc., Costless Stores Inc., The community of Morada, all the individuals and volunteers who give selflessly and our Program Director, Mildred Burley.