Flyer for the USDA Summer Food Service program.

USDA Summer Food Service Program, Summer Food Rocks, Find Sites Serving Summer Meals – Call 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE. Visit to find help getting food for your family.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe has received an email from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) about the USDA Summer Food Service Program. This program is designed to help fill the summer food gap for low-income children by reimbursing organizations that serve children meals at feeding sites during summer months. Schools, churches, recreation centers, playgrounds, parks, clinics and camps can provide summer meals in neighborhoods with high percentages of low income families, making a positive impact on the lives of hungry children. In California, this program only reaches 2 of every 10 children experiencing food insecurity!

You can help make a difference in the lives of hungry children. The USDA wants to make sure that every child in need has access to summer meals. Please share this information. You can download the Summer Food Rocks flyer in English here (click to open) and the Spanish language version here (click to open).

CVMT sincerely thanks the United States Department of Agriculture for bringing this valuable information to our attention.