Pictured left to right: Jason Simpson, VRPA Technologies, Inc., Anjelica Paulk, CVMT Council Member, Silvia Burley, CVMT Chairperson, Maria Rodriguez, Native Liaison CalTrans District 10 and Kerry R. Colvin, VRPA Technologies Inc.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe (located at 10601 N. Escondido PL, Stockton, CA, as listed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ BIA/DOI Spring 2011 Tribal Leaders Directory), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute services from the federal government – on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012, held a consultation with Mr. Kerry R. Colvin, Ph. D., M.Ed., Contractor / Transportation Engineer / Marketing Specialist and his assistant Mr. Justin Simpson of VRPA Technologies, Inc. Also in attendance on behalf of CalTrans District 10 was Ms. Maria Rodriguez.

The purpose of the meeting was to address the current designated truck routes for the various size truck and trailer combinations that have to navigate the local roadways, of the need to have adequate signage to educate long haulers and locals alike as to where the routes are and to update other accesses as needed for their use in our growing communities so that those we depend on for delivery of our commercial goods can interact safely with the general public on our local roadways and stay within compliance.

Mr. Kerry R. Colvin and his assistant Mr. Justin Simpson gave the Tribe a very thorough explanation of what the current deficiencies are and of the current endeavor in which to address them. In the upper left hand corner of the story in pdf form is the presentation pamphlet. You may download if you see a need in your community and your wish to be an active participant in this subject matter.

The Tribe would like to extend their thanks to Mr. Kerry R. Colvin Ph.D., M.Ed., and Mr. Justin Simpson for their presentation at the tribal offices and to Ms. Maria Rodriguez, CalTrans District 10 for her participation.

1. Interregional Truck Operations on I-5 / SR 99 and STAA Truck Route Improvement Project Presentation
2. I-5 / SR 99 Freight Truck Route Study Questionnaire