Program Description:

Tribal Leadership & Governance Certificate Program

Designed for current & aspiring tribal leaders & tribal employees, this certificate program offers foundational knowledge in areas relating to tribal leadership & governance, which will assist in building successful tribal governmental operations & organizations.

Class topic include: California Indian History, Tribal Sovereignty, Federal Indian Policy, Robert’s Rules of Order, Governmental Relations, Economic Development, Tribal Leadership Panel, Indian Child Welfare Act, Ethical Decision Making, Public Law-280, & More!


Tribal Leadership & Governance Certificate Program
Presented by the California Tribal College

Morongo Casino Spa & Resort
49500 Seminole Dr
Cabazon, California 92230

September 26 through 29, 2016, 8am to 5pm daily

Student Early Bird Rate: $495 before August 5th, after August 5th – $575
Standard Early Bird Rate: $795 before August 5th, after August 5th – $850
Enrollment Deadline: September 2, 2016; SPACE IS LIMITED!

Registration Info: [email protected]; www.californiatribalcollege.com