CVMT received an assortment of free books from the Talking Leaves Book Project.
On August 13, 2013, the California Valley Miwok Tribe received a shipment of free books from the Talking Leaves Book Project, Seattle, WA 98145, the shipment was in response to an official request the Tribe made on July 11, 2013. CVMT is participating in the free book program.
CVMT received an email from the American Indian Library Association (AILA) regarding the Talking Leaves Free Book Project. The books and shipping are free to Native serving libraries, institutions and organizations. These books are in near-new to new condition. The home page of Talking Leaves states that donors and volunteers have been giving books away for over a decade. The Talking Leaves Book Project works with Native non-profits, schools, organizations, clinics, libraries, community centers, and cultural organizations; Talking Leaves also works with non-Native schools, organizations, and libraries that serve Native communities. Books and materials are provided free of charge to recipients.
Talking Leaves states that it is happy to help communities build a solid collection of materials. For more information on the free book project, visit http://sites.google.com/site/talkingleavesbookproject/home. To send a request by mail, send to: Talking Leaves Book Project c/o Zoe Holbrooks P.O. Box 95214 Seattle, Washington 98145-2214. Talking Leaves ship (as needed) U.S. Postal Service media mail. Whenever possible the books are delivered by folks traveling to locations near the receiving organization.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe would like to thank the American Library Association (AILA), The California State Library, Library Development Services and Ms. Susan Hanks, Library Programs Consultant for sharing information regarding the Talking Leaves Book Program. CVMT would also like to thank Zoe Holbrooks, Talking Leaves Book Project, and the many donors and volunteers whom contribute their time and resources to make the free book program a continued success.