Flyer for the USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).
On Thursday, September 18, 2014, the California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT) held its monthly USDA Food Distribution.
The FDPIR program was created by the USDA Food Nutrition Services (FNS) as an alternative to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, ie., food stamp program), for tribal members living on reservations; and Alaska Natives living within federally recognized tribal communities. The important thing to remember about the FDPIR is that, although it deals with a great amount of food, it is NOT a food bank program. Its primary purpose is to assist low-income eligible households in receiving nutritional food assistance or benefits.
How DO USDA Foods Get To You?
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), an Agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), administers FDPIR at the Federal level. The program is administered locally by either a federally recognized Indian Tribe or an agency of a state government. These administering agencies determine applicant eligibility, store and distribute the foods, and provide nutrition education to program participants.
Anyone interested in learning more about the monthly USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) can contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe at (209) 931-4567, you may also email the Tribe at: [email protected] or [email protected].
A USDA Food Distribution application (in pdf format) can be emailed to you upon request. Households that meet program eligibility requirements may be certified to participate up to 12 months.
The CVMT Tribal Council sincerely thanks the Tule River Reservation (USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations), Mr. Richard McDarment, USDA FDIR Director, Mrs. Patricia Salas, USDA FDIR Intake Manager, Mr. Jesus Salas, USDA FDIR Staff, and Mr. Ronald Buckman, USDA FDIR Staff & driver.