Flyer from the San Joaquin County Public Works Department, outlining the 2014 Water Conservation Program guidelines.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT) received an update from the Department of Public Works, San Joaquin County, Stockton, California regarding mandatory water conservation measures in effect.

California is experiencing a serious drought and everyone has been called upon to help conserve. The following mandatory water conservation measures are in effect.

San Joaquin County Water Districts – Acampo, Almond Park, Colonial Heights, Corral Hollow, CSA 12 Thornton, CSA 16 Par Country EST, CSA 18 Fairway Estates, CSA 30 Manteca Industrial, CSA 31 Flag City, CSA 35 Santos Ranch, CSA Clements, CSA 44 Fair Oaks, CSA 44 Zone E Castello EST, CSA 44 Zone G Carbona STN, CSA 46 Morada Est North, Elkhorn, Gayla Manor, Lincoln Village, Maurland Manor, Mokelumne Acres, Morada Acres, Morada Estates, Morada Manor, Rancho San Joaquin, Raymus Village, Shaded Terrace, SJ Water Works #2, Spring Creek Estates, Sunnyside Estates, Walnut Acres, Wilkinson Manor, and Wilkinson Manor Zone A.

BASIC RULES – Restrictions are for properties within the boundaries of any County Water District. An automatic shut-off nozzle on the hose and a water bucket is required for washing vehicles or boats – An automatic shut-off nozzle is required for cleaning building exteriors – Use of water to wash driveways, patios, parking lots, etc. is prohibited – Water runoff from a property for more than ten (10) minutes is prohibited – Draining and refilling of swimming pools, spas, and ponds requires approval from the Public Works Department Director or designee.

Watering Days (effective 8/12/2014)

If your house number ends in EVEN number (0,2,4,6,8) then you may water on Wednesday and/or Friday and/or Saturday.
If your house number ends in ODD number (1,3,5,7,9) then you may water on Tuesday and/or Thursday and/or Saturday.
Watering is prohibited between the hours of 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

For more information contact:
San Joaquin County Water Public Works Department, Utility Maintenance Division – (209) 468-3090