The California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT) received a flyer regarding the upcoming Climate Change Workshop hosted by the Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians – Climate Change Workshop

April 30, 2015 – Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Robinson Rancheria Casino Resort, 1545 East Highway 20, Nice, California 95464

Presentation titles are as follows:

  • Climate Change Forecasts and Adaptation for Economic Prosperity by Rebecca Crow, PE, GHD Project Manager and Steve McHaney, Senior Engineer, GHD
  • Caltrans Pilot Climate Study by Jaime Hostler, Native American Liaison for Caltrans, Dist. 1
  • California Landscape Conservation Cooperative Tribal Engagement, Michelle Selmon, California Division of Water Resources, Senior Environmental Scientist and Regional Climate Change Specialist
  • Potential Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Adaptation for Tribal Communities, Emily Aljandrino, California Division of Water Resources, Climate Change Tribal Liaison
  • The Connection Between Your Stuff and Climate Change by Shannon Davis, Scientist, USEPA Region 9
    Tribal Green Building Codes by Shannon Davis, Scientist, USEPA Region 9
  • GRID Alternatives: Clean Energy for Everyone by Maggie Graham and Justine Blanchet
  • Casino Green: Energy Efficiency Retrofits by Carlos Sedano
  • MLSTEP Climate Change Adaptations by Kagat McQuillen, Water Quality Specialist, Kashia Band of Pomo Indians
  • Robinson Rancheria’s Steps Toward Climate Change Abatement – Solar Streetlights, Recycle Center, and Energy Efficiency Retrofits at Casino, Gym, and Homes on the Rancheria – Tour by Debbie McCubbin, Robinson Rancheria Environmental Coordinator

A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided by the Robinson Rancheria.

Please contact Mr. Mike Schaver by email at to reserve your seat at the workshop or to reserve a hotel room at the Robinson Rancheria Casino Resort.