From Left to right; Commander Richard 'Windfeathers' Muniz, San Joaquin Native American Veterans Lodge, Ms. Susan Lal, RHA, Inc., Mrs. Joni Drake, Site Manager of CTTP-TANF-Stockton Office, Mrs. Daveen Williams, CVMT Cultural Arts & Crafts Coordinator, Mrs. Rose Mose, CVMT Cultural Resource Consultant, and Mrs. Mildred Burley, CVMT Tribal Elder and Certified Indian Artisan.
On Friday, June 7th, 2013, the California Valley Miwok Tribe hosted a presentation by Susan Lal, RHA, Inc., regarding the California LifeLine Program and the Enhanced LifeLine for Tribal Lands.
Ms. Susan Lal was very gracious to accept an invitation by the California Valley Miwok Tribe to do an on-site presentation regarding the California LifeLine Program and the Enhanced LifeLine for Tribal Lands Program, which are discounted phone services provided by the California Public Utilities Commission.
Ms. Lal spoke about how the California LifeLine program provides discounted basic home phone service to qualified households. She also emphasized that the California LifeLine discounts do not begin until after the California LifeLine Administrator approves the application form, and that while waiting to be approved, a consumer will pay the regular rates for basic home phone service. After receiving the application, the California LifeLine Administrator will mail either an approval or disqualification letter to the applicant. If approved, participation in California LifeLine will start on the date the phone service began or on the date the applicant asked to be on California LifeLine, whichever is later.
The discounts will be shown as bill credits. The phone company can also refund the difference between the regular rates and the California LifeLine discounted rates for basic home phone service if there is a net credit of more than $10. The California LifeLine discounts will last for only one year unless the California LifeLine participant renews his or her participation.
For more information visit http://www.californialifeline.com, or you may call the California LifeLine Call Center, from 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday at 866-272-0349.
CVMT would like thank Ms. Susan Lal for her informative presentation, and the attendees; Commander Richard Windfeathers Muniz, Mrs. Joni Drake, Mrs. Daveen Williams, Ms. Rose Mose and Mrs. Mildred Burley for their concerns, suggestions and comments.