
The California Valley Miwok Tribe held its monthly food distribution on Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 at the tribal offices located at 4620 Shippee Lane, Stockton, California.

As shown in the corresponding pictures, this distribution was made later in the evening as time allowed and facilities were available to store distributions till their scheduled pick up the following day.

The distributions continue to be large with the recent inclusion of a few families that previously were unaware of this service and that they would even be eligible.

If you think you might want to participate in this program or would like to check your eligibility under the programs requirements, please email the tribe and request an application from the contact listed below.
[email protected]

The tribe would like to thank the United States Department of Agriculture, the Tule River Tribe, the Tule River Food Distribution Department, Tule River Food Specialist Ronald Buckman and all participants whom participate and continue to make this a vibrant program.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe