
The California Valley Miwok Tribe (located at 10601 N. Escondido PL, Stockton, CA, as listed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ BIA/DOI Spring 2011 Tribal Leaders Directory), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute services from the federal government – on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, conducted this month’s food distribution (between the hours of 1 – 3 PM). This distribution saw the return of previous recipients whom had the Tribe hold their allotments, due to the current lack of transportation (as an extra service, CVMT will store distributions if recipients are unable to pick up their deliveries). Also, this distribution welcomed two new volunteers brought by the San Joaquin Native American Veteran’s Lodge, in addition to their monthly water contribution.

They brought the assistance of Ms. Deborah Pollard, a local from the Weston Ranch community. Ms. Pollard is a foster parent currently raising two teenagers and is an active participant within her community. We were very appreciative to receive her assistance. Also brought to assist was Native American Veteran David Romero. Mr. Romero is a long-time friend of the Tribe and was instrumental in the Tribe being a guest on both Native Voice Television, (hosted by Cihuapilli Rose Amador on Comcast channel 15 in the San Jose/Campbell areas) and Native Voice Radio’s “Indian Time” program on KKUP 95.1 FM, previously hosted by Captain Jack Hyatt and now hosted by Mr. Romero himself. David Romero is also the official photographer for Native Voice Television. He is a member of the San Joaquin Native American Veterans Lodge, a member of its ceremonial color guard and an ambassador messenger for the Native Americans Killed in Action (NAKIA) organization.

The Tribe is proud that people such as these wish to include themselves and provide assistance in our endeavors to bring services to Native Americans that reside within our communities.