
The California Valley Miwok Tribe – located at 10601 Escondido place Stockton, Ca. 95212 – was invited to attend the swearing-in ceremony of a friend of the tribe and the Native American community, Mr. Pedro “Pete” Molina, to the position of Assistant Secretary of Native American Veterans Affairs.

The swearing in ceremony took place on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010, at the California Department of Veterans Affairs, 1227 “O” Street, Sacramento, California 95814. The tribe was honored to witness this special occasion along with friends and other members of the Tri-Miwok Consortium. This is the highest position ever held by a Native American making this an historical moment. We feel that Mr. Molina will have much success in whatever endeavors he takes on in this new appointment for he is truly a driven and dedicated individual. For more information on “Pete” please check the pdf file accompanying this story for a short biography. Also below please read a heartfelt contribution to this story submitted to the tribe by the members of the local Native American Veterans Lodge in San Joaquin County.

San Joaquin Lodge

We as Native American Veterans do invoke the divine guidance of the Great Spirit to secure our rights and benefits, and to gain recognition of all traditional laws. As veterans of the San Joaquin County Lodge we like to foster the continued loyalty and alliance of respect for and the forthrightness to defend the constitution and the flag of the United States. We are established to promote, educating all American Natives without regard to degree to their veteran’s rights. This is our cree and part of the “Constitution” to abide.

We are proud people, standing together before history to witness one of our own, a brother of (the Yaqui Nation) during an historic event for this nation. Having a voice for all our people to be in place, having opportunities for outreach programming, commitments and program values, this being so important it will be a challenge. The veterans of our area are proud to know Mr. Pedro “Pete” Molina for which we have the utmost confidence in him to represent the needs of all our veterans.

I personally have known Mr. Molina for several years and his commitment and leadership to the community of veterans and to all native peoples, is truly a special act of service to his country. We ask the Creator to guide and strengthen our brother, and to keep him safe. We look forward to his guidance and vision for all our vets and his future successes in meeting their needs.

San Joaquin Lodge Veterans


At this time the California Valley Miwok Tribe would like to congratulate Mr. Molina and wish him all the success in the future. The tribe would also like to thank the San Joaquin Native Veterans Lodge Commander, Richard “Windfeathers” Muniz for his input and contribution in making this article possible.

PDF link:

Appointment of Pedro “Pete” Molina as Assistant Secretary of Native American Veterans Affairs