
On Wednesday February 21st, 2018, the California Valley Miwok Tribe delivered the second distribution of the year to tribal elder Mildred Burley for disbursement to the various tribal families living throughout the mother lode. Tribal elder Mildred Burley is recuperating quite well and stated that the need to do for her tribe is the driving force behind her rapid recovery.

Her spirits were lifted even higher as she was informed to pass along information that the tribe’s future had some legal positive notes recently, with Chadd Everone being pulled back into court, the CGCC also having to defend their illegal pandering and recent federal court actions being in the tribe’s favor.

Protecting and fighting for the tribe’s future while taking care of the tribal members needs in the present, without the assistance from those entrusted and refuse to actually do their job, is an age old Indian tale. This tribe’s story is just one example of the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The Tribe stays resilient and healthy and continues to persevere in part to the services that our elder Mildred Burley provides to the tribe. Also to the great community of Morada that donate  unselfishly and to Walmart Stores, Inc., whom have now for many months helped to add frozen meat products to our distributions.

This month alone saw the meat supply double so as to make it necessary for elder Mildred Burley to acquire a small chest freezer to store the abundant supply.

So for all those whom are involved and help to make this tribal program a continuing success,  we thank you!

The California Valley Miwok Tribe