Tribe's Director of Distribution for the Food For Tribal Families Program, " Mildred Burley " stands with this month's donations. Note: For added safety this month saw outside railing installed to Mildred's handicap ramp.
On Saturday January 26th 2019, the California Valley Miwok Tribe’s Food For Tribal Families Program initiated the first of what will be many deliveries throughout the new year.
To start out this new year’s program, the tribe’s local Safeway Store also donated frozen and canned foods in assisting the tribal government to meet the nutritional needs of its federally recognized member families.
The tribe’s director of distribution for this program, Elder Mildred Burley was seen to be in high spirits and very good health at the time of delivery and was committed to making sure the needy families would get their distributions as quickly as possible.
The tribe is tackling many issues and is hopeful that this is the year they will be able to expand services to the actual federally recognized members whose rights have been continually compromised by non-tribal outside interests.
The tribe would like to thank those who gave so charitably from Morada and its surrounding communities. The tribe also thanks Walmart Stores Inc. for their continued support and Safeway Stores Inc. for now also assisting our Native American community.
A special thank you to our Director and Elder, Mildred Burley for being an inspiration to all with her continued devotion and dedication to her tribe.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe