
The California Valley Miwok Tribe (located at 10601 N. Escondido PL, Stockton, CA, as listed in the Federal Register of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, BIA/DOI), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute contracted services from the federal government – on Monday, April 11, 2011, held the Tribe’s monthly food distribution. It was a busy and fast-paced distribution this month, in which tribal personnel were at one point assisted by tribal membership in making sure that all allotments were distributed in a timely fashion. The San Joaquin Native American Veterans Lodge had earlier in the week dropped off their monthly donation, because sadly, the Lodge Commander had a prior commitment to what is a yearly and ever-important somber event that he attends in remembrance and promotion of healing for all that have suffered the type of tragedy that he and his family have endured for many years, regarding the death of his Native American son.

Crime Victim’s Rights Week Event

“Each year, we attend the National Crime Victim’s Rights Week, March on the Capital in Sacramento, California. This year marks the 10th year anniversary of the homicide of Jerome Joseph Muniz, whom was a victim of violent crime, on November 16, 2001. When we re-affirm our national commitment to protect the rights of crime victims and their families and spread the message of hope, then we all can serve our community and embody the spirit of generosity and service to the community in the face of unspeakable tragedy. Jerome was given the honor to have a flag flown for him at the White House in Washington, D.C., during Crime Victim’s Rights Week in 2006, and to also have a resolution in congress by honorable congressmen, relative to commending the dedication of the Jerome Joseph Memorial. So each year our family (Jerome’s siblings), at the onset of the program in front of the Governor of California and the many Crime Victim families who come to support their loved ones, will present Jerome’s flag, along with our national anthem. Our daughter Nicole Pearson will carry Jerome’s flag for this year’s program.

To all our supporters, I want to thank each of you for your understanding, for the month of April 2011 as Commander of the San Joaquin Lodge Veterans, we will not be attending and assisting in the service to the USDA Food Drive this month. Please know we are keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers.”

Co-R. “Windfeathers” Muniz

Richard “Windfeathers” Muniz is a friend of the Tribe and a contributor, along with the San Joaquin Native American Veterans Lodge members, to the Tribe’s many programs of assistance in Indian Country for many years, and our sympathies at this time go out to him and his family.