California Valley Miwok Tribe Attends White House Tribal Nations Summit
White House Tribal Nations Summit
The California Valley Miwok Tribe was invited to attend the White House Tribal Nations Summit, which was a two-day event commencing on Monday, November 15th, from 11:00-4:00 Eastern time concluding Tuesday November 16th 11:00-4:00 Eastern time.
White House Tribal Nations Summit
The California Valley Miwok Tribe was invited to attend the White House Tribal Nations Summit, which was a two-day event commencing on Monday, November 15th, from 11:00-4:00 Eastern time concluding Tuesday November 16th 11:00-4:00 Eastern time.
Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca. 95329
The California Valley Miwok Tribe was invited to attend the White House Tribal Nations Summit, which was a two-day event commencing on Monday, November 15th, from 11:00-4:00 Eastern time concluding Tuesday November 16th 11:00-4:00 Eastern time.
California Valley Miwok Tribal Chairperson, Silvia Burley was representative of the tribe and attended on our behalf.
The process was extensive with the official announcement and registration process beginning on September 21st, 2021.
Subsequent notices and actions needed to be completed in the process in additional correspondence with the White House initiated on October 20th, November 2nd, 4th, 9th, 12th and 13th.
Subject matter included but was not limited to verifying and vetting of the official status of participants, to questionnaires of tribal priorities and concerns, extensions to enroll and secured links to be kept confidential and only used by persons authorized by the White House.
The tribe was appreciative that President Joe Biden reinstated this policy that was originally initiated under President Barrack Obama, of bringing tribal leaders and all tribes together to better communication and understanding with the federal government, its various federal departments and his current administration.
Thank you Mr. President, Administration officials and all other participating tribes and their respective representatives.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe.
Sample of Administration officials in attendance
Sample of Administration officials in attendance
Sample of Administration officials in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of Administration officials in attendance
Sample of Administration officials in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of Administration officials in attendance
Sample of Administration officials in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of Administration officials in attendance
Sample of Administration officials in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of Administration officials in attendance
Sample of Administration officials in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance
Sample of tribal representatives in attendance - California Valley Miwok Tribe
By CVMT|2021-11-27T13:34:24-08:00November 16th, 2021|Events, Tribal Affairs|Comments Off on California Valley Miwok Tribe Attends White House Tribal Nations Summit