Flyer provided by the California Tribal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Partnership, advertising available services to low-income Native American families and tribal members.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe wishes to share valuable information that may help Low-Income Native American families who may qualify for TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) services in San Joaquin County.
Eligibility – California Tribal TANF Partnership (CTTP) is a state funded social service agency. CTTP offers services and temporary assistance to Native American families in Northern and Central California. To be eligible for CTTP programs and services, applicants must go through an in-take approval process. Applying for services does not guarantee approval. Applicants must be a resident within the county service area where CTTP has an office. All households must have at least on eligible Indian child under the age of 18. The term “Indian” shall be defined as a member or descendent of a federally recognized tribe; individuals and/or descendent must be listed on the California Indian Judgment Roll.
Overview of Programs and Services – CTTP Tribal TANF Goals. To provide assistance to Native American Families in need so that their children may be cared for in their own homes. End dependence on government benefits through promoting education, career development, and employment preparation. Reduce and prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Encourage healthy formation and support of parents and families. Career Development – Career Counseling, Interview and resume development, and Job Readiness Workshops. – Career Search Assistance, Job Fairs, Networking, Referrals, Internet Access, and Job Skills Training. Education – GED preparation, Good grades incentives (as funding permits), Vocation Resources, and Higher Education. Teen Pregnancy Prevention.
Supportive Services – Supportive services are provided to current participants to increase their self-sufficiency. All who meet CTTP’s program requirements are eligible for the following services: Homeless assistance for Domestic Violence victims, Child care for employed parents, Mileage reimbursement for employed parents; Newly employed clothing allowance; and School clothing allowance for children enrolled in school. Cash Assistance – Monthly cash assistance is provided to meet a family’s basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, utilities, household goods and personal care items. Due to anticipated cuts in funding CTTP proactively reduced some supportive services. CTTP intends to return some of these supportive services as funding permits.
Contact Ms. Joni Drake, Site Manager, CTTP San Joaquin County Office located at 3024 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, California 95204 – Phone (209) 474-6890.