
The California Valley Miwok Tribe located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA (As listed in the Federal Register of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, BIA/DOI) a federally recognized tribe eligible to recieve and distribute services from the federal government, on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010, hosted a consultation meeting with Charlotte Tsali Hunter, Phd., from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The request and subsequent consultation stems from a letter sent to the Tribe on September 3rd, 2010, from the Bureau of Land Management, about new provisions and the offer for consultation over these provisions with federally recognized tribes. The California Valley Miwok Tribe requested the consultation and the Bureau of Land Management California State Office sent Ms. Charlotte Tsali Hunter, Phd., State Lead Tribal Relations, Archaeology, etc. and Deputy Preservation Officer to address the Tribe’s concerns. Ms. Hunter was most informative and helpful, addressing every concern the Tribe had and explaining in detail the entire Section 106 process, consultation, the various laws governing the protection of the cultural resources and the roles of BLM and the tribes in the process. Many other issues regarding current contact information and whom BLM deals with were also discussed among other subjects. During the meeting, a discrepency on the draft document was also discussed and Ms. Charlotte Hunter took the finding with her to be addressed at the BLM Offices the following day.

The Tribe would like to thank the Bureau of Land Management for sending Ms. Hunter, the BLM tribal liason, to the Tribal Offices to conduct the consultation and to Ms. Hunter for sharing her vast knowledge, utmost professionalism, and warm and friendly demeanor that she put forth while at the Tribal Offices.