Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca. 95329
The California Valley Miwok Tribe held this month’s USDA Food Distribution on Monday the 11th of April 2022. This distribution was surprisingly early, but had to be rescheduled due to an upcoming conference to be attended by our friends at the Tule River Food Distribution Department.
The many that could not change their schedules will be added to the tribe’s personal deliveries in the following days. Even though the local BIA in Sacramento continually tries to undermine the tribe financially, the Native American community to which we serve has once again come together to help the tribe with the logistical funding needed to continue personal deliveries in spite of rising fuel prices.
With the abundance of food in this distribution, the tribe also received a first of scheduled shipments of Covid supplies that will be added to not only the Food For Tribal Families Program later this month, but will be added to all Native American families deliveries in the following days.
The last couple of weeks have seen other developments in regards to the tribe also. The tribe’s issues that have been constantly mismanaged by the local BIA / CCA particularly regarding the illegal forced attempt at re-organizing us against the combined will of the tribe’s citizen’s was taken away from them.
Exercising his discretion AS/IA Bryan Newland recently took jurisdiction of the reorganization issue away from BIA / CCA and will now be the one who will decide what processes will and will not be done. We shall await further development’s with cautious optimism.
Also the tribe’s other site located at californiavalleymiwoktribe.us which has much factual information that is becoming more relevant regarding the malfeasance that has been perpetrated against this tribe, especially in regards to an individual we have coined “the swindler” has experienced a series of hacks immediately after AS/IA Bryan Newland recently took jurisdiction over our issue.
Much of that site’s information will now be posted on this site, which incidentally was also hacked last year necessitating a major security upgrade. We will not be silenced or censored.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe would like to thank the United States Department of Agriculture, the Red Lake Nation of Minnesota, the Tule River Tribe, The Tule River Food Distribution Department, the Native American community to which we serve and Tule River Food Distribution Specialist, Ronald Buckman for his unending dedication to this program and the entire Native American community.