
The California Valley Miwok Tribe received an invitation and event flyer from Adam Dalton, Chairperson of the Jackson Rancheria Band of Miwuk Indians, to attend the 5th Annual Chaw’se Day Spring Gathering, to be held on May 26th & 27th, 2018, at the Chaw’se Indian Grinding Rock State Park in Pine Grove, California.

We are posting the event details here to spread the news about this event to anyone who might be interested in attending and enjoying the local native traditions, food and crafts!

Also included at the bottom of this post is a downloadable application which vendors may use to apply for available exhibit space during the event.

5th Annual Chaw’se Day Spring Gathering

May 26th & 27th, 2018 – 9:30am to 4:00pm

Chaw’se Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park
14881 Pine Grove Volcano Rd, Pine Grove, CA 95665

Click here to download Chaw’se Exhibit Space application (pdf)