More than two weeks ago, the Tribe sent Senator Diane Feinstein a Letter. The Letter requested the Senator’s response to public records that show that each time individuals with links to taking over our Tribe requested help, she intervened on their behalf over the last thirteen years. The California Valley Miwok Tribe having now afforded a reasonable amount of time for Senator Feinstein to reply to correspondence, a consideration that neither she or members of her party in the house even afforded, our President is posting here the unanswered correspondence and the Tribe’s subsequent press release. The Tribe’s hope is that by bringing to light the Tribe’s concerns to the public’s awareness may help to resolve our battle with the federal government ongoing for almost two decades.
We feel as citizens of a federally recognized tribe and constituents under her representation in the U.S. Senate, that we were deserving of answers to these legitimate questions. We are troubled over information with supporting documentation in our possession that implicates her through actions she has taken detrimental to our tribe and in violation of our sovereignty.
Knowingly or unknowingly of the implications of these actions on behalf of associates and at least one individual she is long connected to, she has involved herself in our tribal affairs upon their personal request.
We are disheartened that by her silence, what we fear may now have been asked and answered.
When it comes to opportunities for personal gain, or to assist a former colleague to advance their fortunes, can this U.S. Senator not see her actions are trampling on our citizens rights and violating our sovereignty?
This has been a decade-long interference with the involvement of Senator Diane Feinstein resulting in a trampling of our rights and a disruption of federal services, disenfranchising tribal citizens of much needed programs, perhaps all attributed to her.
This is cronyism run amok and is a glaring example of hypocrisy if her previous positions are to be believed.
If by some chance, Senator Feinstein did not realize what she had involved herself in, or was mislead, or was a willing partner but now has had a change of heart, then she should distance herself and stay as far away as possible as to not further implicate herself and cause further hardships to our tribe. She should support our Tribe’s right to self-determine and govern ourselves and should denounce efforts by the Department of the Interior to replace our leadership with people who are not members of any tribe.
Her intrusions are wrong or at the very least unethical, intrusions unwarranted into the affairs of our sovereign federal tribe whose representatives and citizens have no desire to go to the bay area or to build an entertainment venue there, need to cease immediately.
Finally, Senator Feinstein’s actions are inconsistent with her policy approach to Indians in California for a couple of reasons. She rarely intervenes on issues related to Indian affairs, and when she does, she does so publicly. In this case, she has worked behind the scenes. Finally, the people asking her to help have been linked to building a casino near San Fransisco in the Tribe’s name. Her help in this matter directly contradicts her public opposition to off reservation gaming especially near San Fransisco for more than 15 years.
Thank you,
Representatives and citizens of the California Valley Miwok Tribe
Please see the following attached .pdf files for further information :
Official tribal press release :
02-21-2020 CVMT Press Release.pdf
Letter sent from the California Valley Miwok Tribe to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and her respective offices of which the tribe received no response. :
4115 Ltr Feinstein 02-05-20.PDF
Click on images for high resolution :
- Official tribal press release 1/2
- Official tribal press release 2/2
- Letter sent from the California Valley Miwok Tribe to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and her respective offices of which the tribe received no response. 1/5
- Letter sent from the California Valley Miwok Tribe to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and her respective offices of which the tribe received no response. 2/5
- Letter sent from the California Valley Miwok Tribe to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and her respective offices of which the tribe received no response. 3/5
- Letter sent from the California Valley Miwok Tribe to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and her respective offices of which the tribe received no response. 4/5
- Letter sent from the California Valley Miwok Tribe to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and her respective offices of which the tribe received no response. 5/5