
The California Valley Miwok Tribe (located at 10601 N. Escondido PL, Stockton, CA, as listed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ BIA/DOI Spring 2011 Tribal Leaders Directory), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute services from the federal government – on Friday, August 19th, 2011, undertook a personal endeavor to try to assist tribal members whom are patiently waiting for tribal benefits that their elected officials are without the resources to give, in an attempt to help alleviate in whatever way the tribal government can, the hardships felt by its membership; due to the lack of closure of the Tribe’s current predicament.

The officials of CVMT have once again (as they have had to do on many occasions in the past), gone into their personal savings and have recently sold more of their personal belongings to generate the funding needed in trying to, at the very least, meet the nutritional needs of its members on this day. The Tribe understands that much pressure is probably being wrought against those whose responsibility it is to give this Tribe’s peoples final relief and because of that, are being delayed in providing the justice that the Tribe is so entitled, but by action such as what was taken on this day, pulling together and helping one another, the Tribe shall endure and remain strong in overcoming any adversarial actions being taken against it and its peoples and prays for the rapid relief that, on a previous decision (based upon fundamental Indian Law), they had already received and trust that they shall receive once again through reconfirmation, due to the ethical standards of the application of Federal Indian Law in which the current administration has already previously demonstrated that they base their decisions upon.