

The California Valley Miwok Tribe, with limited resources and little assistance from local government officials, took it upon itself to improvise in trying to address the unmet needs of it’s recognized tribal members.


This month with many unable to attend the monthly USDA FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and still others that also although in dire need fall just outside the perimeters to qualify, the Tribe decided to initiate a local food drive.


With the rising costs of utilities and fuel for travel this time of year, tribal officials thought that perhaps if the Tribe could alleviate some of the food costs of its members, then they could in turn use those freed up monies to address those needs.


Late in the month of January, the Tribe conducted a food drive in and around the Morada community in which it’s tribal offices reside. The Morada community has a small population just east of Stockton, California and is home to some of the most caring and understanding people in the valley.


Various residences  in Morada, when asked for donations, were very giving and showed much concern for the Tribe’s plight and the plight of its members and gave charitably.  We wish to thank them and the whole of the Morada community, for almost all invited the Tribe to come back anytime if further assistance was needed.