Thomas L. Brown, Executive Director of the California Tribal TANF (Temporary Assistant to Needy Families) Partnership, introduces attendees to the California Tribal TANF Partnership program.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe extends a warm welcome to the TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) Partnership. On February 5th, 2007, TANF held a presentation at the CVMT Tribal Office located in Stockton, California. Mrs. Tracy Avila, Chairperson of the Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians, introduced the TANF staff and Mr.Thomas Leon Brown, Executive Director, all of whom presented a very detailed and thorough explanation of TANF’s goals and services. We want to send our sincere thanks to all of the individuals who took part in the event and a special thanks to Mr. Ken Woodrow, who drove up from the Monterey area to attend.