The correspondence attached to this story was sent to Secretary of the Interior’s office in relation to yet another attempt of tribal theft by local BIA.
The correspondence sent November 29th, 2023, has yet to be answered, or even acknowledged by the Secretary’s office at the posting of this story.
It was addressed to the current Secretary, (Deb Haaland) in hopes of an intervention to, or at least a response regarding local BIA program directors and those tasked with program implementation to cease with overstepping their authority and creating actual policy and forcefully and through illegal means trying to implement it.
Correspondence to Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland to make her aware of the overreach by local BIA program directors who are now trying to create policy outside their jurisdictional authority. =>
11-29-23 Ltr to Deb Haaland Sec of DOI
This is a blank resolution with underlying names redacted because of local BIA upon having information always readily makes it available to others upon knowing of their identities make it a point to threaten or attempt physical altercations. =>
They are attempting to reorganize an already organized tribe. they are trying to do it outside the statuary regulation’s called for in a secretarial election.
Not one member voted for them to implement this process and indeed not the majority that is prescribed by law. Also no tribal constitution has been submitted by the tribe for review, technical corrections if needed, and acceptance by the BIA before a secretarial election can even be held. The tribe has a fully functioning government wholly supported by the enrolled citizens of the tribe, but because local BIA has their own,(lack of personality) issues with the tribe’s government, they many years ago ceased all services in violation of federal law affecting the citizens of the tribe who are the innocent victims of the local BIA’s maniacally criminal and evil scheme. The local BIA also pushes as, (one authority) the, (Tilly Hardwicke) decision as if they do not even understand how that does not apply. That decision was in regards to terminated tribes, (of which we are not). It also had a statute of recognizing persons on the land or those previous who inhabited it. Again they are oblivious to the recorded fact that only one family had that power vested with them. From the one individual left who had that power vested, sprang forth the initial enrollment that enlarged the tribe and in the following decades that tradition has continued with a tribe now of many, where there used to be a tribe of few.
The local Bureau of Indian Affairs in Sacramento, California, once again using their fuzzy logic and trying to create fact from fiction in implementing procedures and creating policy that is in direct contradiction to established rules, procedures and federal guidelines. This continual intrusion into tribal sovereignty has caused hardships to tribal families for decades, increasingly and negatively affecting with indifference to our tribal elders and children.
Because of actually misleading others for these many years that there is a way that they can enroll you into a federally recognized tribe outside of the tribes enrollment department, general council and tribal council, they have created friction in the community. This has lead to at least one attempted murder
on a tribal citizen, a threat of murder to another and various altercations and threats either in person or by communications to the tribe’s duly elected tribal
government. Many believing that the BIA all these years telling them that they have the authority and as of yet being unsuccessful in this endeavor actually
harbor ill will towards the tribe and its enrolled citizens blaming them for what the local BIA has promised that has never come to pass.
Even though the BIA tries to say this is a one off situation never to be repeated as in our case they say they have multiple examples and they have a formula as they have done this before. Actually they have never done this before and no one is aware of any timelines, procedures or policies that give them a right to do this at all. No one even knows what they plan to do, what steps they are going to take and the timeframe for even doing whatever they call this. The local BIA is not telling anyone anything because they are making it up as they go along. If there were a process why do all the participants in their scheme not know what it is? We know what it is, it is called : TRIBAL THEFT.
All tribes need to be aware of and know what is happening here, because this is just another attempt by BIA to pierce the veil of tribal sovereignty. If that were to happen, it would set a precedent that they BIA could use in the future against any federally recognized tribe who may fall from favor within the ranks of the BIA. Do not kid yourselves however small and think you will be looked over, however big thinking you are untouchable, none of us are as big as the United States government or those in it that have been known to maliciously, vengefully and with forth thought wield that power in seeking revenge when told no or to simply stay out of internal tribal business.