California Valley Miwok Tribe - October 2018 USDA Food Distribution - DSC02402b.jpg
California Valley Miwok Tribe - October 2018 USDA Food Distribution - DSC02404b.jpg

The California Valley Miwok Tribe held it’s monthly USDA food distribution on Tuesday, October 16th, 2018 at the tribal offices located at 4620 Shippee Lane, Stockton, California.

As witnessed in corresponding pictures neither snow, nor rain, nor even the darkness of night shall stop Ronald Buckman and the Tule River USDA food program from their appointed rounds.

In an effort to serve those whom depend on this service Ronald Buckman was able to stop by early in the evening prior to the mornings distribution so that some families that badly needed their distribution would have something in which to prepare that nights dinner.

Even the few extra distributions that the tribe stored were picked up later in the evening with everyone grateful that their distributions had already arrived.

The tribe is happy about the recent expansion in it’s program and that a few larger families have come forward for this benefit.

We would like to thank the USDA, Tule River Food Distribution and Ronald Buckman for addressing this vital need in the Native American community.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe