Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca. 95329
On Thursday May 30th 2024, the California Valley Miwok Tribe made its monthly distribution resupply to its Program Director Mildred Burley.
This was an extremely good month, and the tribe having purchased a second portable freezer needed every bit of that additional space for extra purchases and donations that were included in this month’s delivery.
This month saw increases in foods delivered especially in the frozen meals, various meats and fruits variety.
Because of other developments whose subject matter will be the basis of the next story regarding the criminal activity perpetuated by the named individuals of last month’s lawsuit and of the local stooges doing their bidding at the local BIA offices in Sacramento California, the tribe will finish this posting in the pictures accompanying this story.
At this time, we would also like to thank all listed below who helped to make this one of the greatest distributions ever.
The United States Department of Agriculture, Food For Less Stores Inc, Costless Stores Inc, Walmart Stores Inc, The Grocery Outlet Stores Inc, Morada and its surrounding communities, all those who donate, assist and volunteer, Our Program Director (Mildred Burley) who’s perseverance to assist and defend her tribe as the oldest and last of the full blood, fluent speaking real citizens of the California Valley Miwok Tribe still fights for her tribe’s very existence at 87 years young.
A local BIA employee would not know what an American Indian was if they tripped over one walking into their offices.