USDA FDIR Staff, Mr. Ronald Buckman prepares to send another allotment down the conveyor to CVMT Staffer, Tristian Wallace, as she loads the food cart. Dec 16, 2014.
On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, the California Valley Miwok Tribe held its monthly USDA Food Distribution.
Each month, qualified participating households receive a USDA food allotment to help them maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. An example of the foods that recipients receive are:
- Frozen packaged chicken and beef roast
- Canned items such as beef stew, fruits, green beans, corn and diced tomatoes
- Canned and/or packaged soups such as mushroom soup, tomato soup and mixed vegetarian soup
- A block of American cheese, packaged lowfat milk, powdered nonfat milk and powdered egg mix
- Dry macaroni, beans, dehydrated instant potatoes, rice and cereals
- Flour, cornmeal and bakery mix
- Unsalted crackers, dried plums, raisins, assorted trail mix and peanuts
- Assorted fruit juices such as cranberry-apple, apple, orange, grape and grapefruit
This month CVMT Staffer Tristian Wallace assisted Ron Buckman and Jesus Salas in loading the monthly USDA food allotments. Miss Wallace has been actively involved in answering inquiries from perspective USDA Food participants, and has also taken more responsibility by loading the cart with food allotments and storing the allotments at the Tribal Office until the FDPIR participants can travel to the Tribal Office to pick up their monthly USDA Food.
CVMT sincerely thanks the Tule River Reservation (USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations), Mr. Richard McDarment, USDA FDIR Director, Mrs. Patricia Salas, USDA FDIR Intake Manager, Mr. Jesus Salas, USDA FDIR Staff, and Mr. Ronald Buckman, USDA FDIR Staff & driver.
If you are interested in applying to participate in our monthly food distribution program, please visit our page “USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations” for more information.