The California Valley Miwok Tribe located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA (as listed in the federal register of the Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA/DOI). A federally recognized Tribe eligible to receive services from the federal government, on September 26th, while going through its mail log found a letter recently sent by the United States Department of Commerce (US Census Bureau) regarding the 2010 Census.

1. Letter from U.S. Census Bureau Regional Director Ralph J. Lee to CVMT, acknowledging tribal participation.
2. Certificate of Appreciation to CVMT, (located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA), a federally recognized tribe.

The letter was sent to the Tribe in recognition of the efforts the Tribe put forth in identifying and reporting the Tribe’s membership, and in helping to identify true native peoples in and around the Tribe’s service area, and in participation of all meetings and correspondence that the Census Bureau had asked for the Tribe’s involvement in.

The Tribe would like to thank the Census Bureau’s Regional Director, Ralph J. Lee for his recognition of Chairperson Silvia Burley and the California Valley Miwok Tribe’s efforts in this matter and for working with the Tribe personally to assure an accurate census.