
The California Valley Miwok Tribe (located at 10601 N. Escondido PL, Stockton, CA, as listed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ BIA/DOI Spring 2011 Tribal Leaders Directory), a federally recognized tribe eligible to receive and distribute services from the federal government – on Monday, August 15th, 2011, held this month’s USDA Food Distribution at the tribal offices, located at 10601 N. Escondido Pl., Stockton CA. This distribution has helped many people during the years that it has ran, after its enactment by Chairperson Silvia Burley and the duly-elected tribal council members of the California Valley Miwok Tribe. A service, in fact, that the Tribe continually receives the thanks and gratitude from the program’s recipients; that state to the Tribe while in attendance, that this addresses one of the major financial burdens that they must endure and for this program they are extremely grateful.

The success of this program, however, can only be measured by those whom benefit from its availability. With so many now able to pursue a better life or having moved away, the Tribe asks that anyone whom is in need and believes themselves eligible to participate, to contact the tribal offices to find how you may be able to acquire this monthly service and help the Tribe in strengthening the lives of individuals in the local Native American community.

This month’s distribution also saw continued donations and assistance during the distribution by the San Joaquin Native American Veterans Lodge, with the participation of its Commander, Richard “Windfeathers” Muniz and lodge member Mike Trujillo, whose monthly commitment to this program is just but one of the many contributions that they – on behalf of the San Joaquin Native American Veterans Lodge – do throughout San Joaquin county every month, in helping those in need during these tumultuous economic times. We also received the much appreciated assistance of United States Marine Corps veteran Freddie M. Canez, whom brought donations and stayed to assist until the last recipient was served. Mr. Canez himself is a trusted friend and valuable asset to the tribe and the local community.

Alas, the real story within this month’s distribution, is the welcoming of the additional assistance the Tribe received from Mr. Steven Bojorques. Mr. Bojorques is the current Commander of the American Legion Post 22, located in Lodi, California. Commander Bojorques is Native American (Amuh Mutsen / Olhone) and is the first Native American to hold the elected title of Commander at Post 22 since its inception in 1938, and is a proud veteran of the United States Air Force.

In working within the local Native American community, he co-founded the Native organization “Red Circle”, which has conducted many functions and is a great contributor in the teachings of Native American culture and customs locally. We are honored that he took the time in his very important schedule to assist us on this day. This is yet another example to our Native American peoples and demonstrates to our youth, that in networking together as veterans, organizational leaders, volunteers and tribal peoples, we can accomplish much in alleviating the hardships and obstacles currently facing us; enduring to see a brighter tomorrow.

For all those whom supply, deliver, assist and participate, we at the California Valley Miwok Tribe thank you.