Government-to-Government Consultation Meeting with Caltrans Representatives and Invited Guests – June 28, 2010, California Valley Miwok Tribe 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA. Clockwise from Left to Right: Shelly Davis-King, Ethnographer/Contractor/Davis King Associates; Kathleen McClaflin, DNAL-Associate Transportation Planner-Caltrans Dist. 10; Sarah Grassrer, Acting Office, Caltrans Central Region Environmental; Raymond Benson, AEP (Archaeologist) Caltrans Dist. 10; Gloria Grimes, Tribal Chairperson of the Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians; Silvia Burley, Chairperson, CVMT; Tina Fulton, DNAC – Caltrans Dist. 10; Anjelica Paulk, Vice Chairperson, CVMT; Mildred Burley, Tribal Elder, CVMT; Mary Oliva, Senior Environmental Planner – Caltrans Dist. 10 and Debra Grimes, Secretary of the Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians/CRS/Cultural Preservation Director for CVMT.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212 (as listed in the Federal Register) met on Monday the 28th of June, 2010 to address what to do in connection with an official report on file concerning an indigenous site. This meeting was the continuation of an ongoing government-to-government relationship that is ever strengthening between Caltrans and the California Valley Miwok Tribe. Invited guests included Ms. Gloria Grimes, Chairperson of the Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians and Ms. Debra Grimes, Secretary of the Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians.

Ms. Debra Grimes is the Cultural Resource Specialist for her Tribe (the “state recognized” Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians) and she is the Cultural Preservation Director for the “federally recognized” California Valley Miwok Tribe. At the meeting Ms. Debra Grimes acted in her official capacity as the Cultural Preservation Director to represent both Tribes in attendance. CVMT Chairperson Silvia Burley started the meeting by reading aloud an introduction that was enlightening and profound, followed by a speech (by Debra Grimes) of reverence and explanation, speaking in great detail as to the cultural and site specific sensitivities, followed by self introductions from all whom attended.

Issues were then discussed on the existing site report in question and Caltrans acknowledged the individuals whose commitment has kept the integrity of information and work performed with merit. Recommendations for further research and the acquiring of project related funding by the Tribes were topics that were discussed. It was agreed by the Tribes and Caltrans to work closely together to do in depth discovery and preservation to better understand sites of concern. In this village specific site, the report on file was discussed in its entirety even including journals by non-natives in their first encounters with the Indigenous Peoples of the village. Points of fact and lineal descendancy to persons still living that exist in the written report were discussed.

Caltrans fielded many questions, most of the answers came from Sr. Environmental Planner, Mary Oliva and AEP (Archeologist) Raymond Benson. Also on hand to give in-depth answers when asked was Ethnographer/Contractor Shelly Davis-King. Much discussion ensued following the differences and the little bit of space allowed here does not do justice to the lengthy and at times complex moments during the consultation/discussion but in the end, the goal of the meeting was attained by all parties. It was agreed upon to keep the existing report intact because it best provides the pertinent information that is of importance to all and to add further in-depth explanation in the report in areas that Caltrans deemed could cause confusion at some point in the site’s future.

At this time, the California Valley Miwok Tribe would like to give thanks to Shelly Davis-King of Davis King Associates for being the originator of the official report of record in which we concur, Ms. Debra Grimes CVMT’s Cultural Preservation Director, Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians Chairperson Gloria Grimes and to Caltrans District 10 for the strengthening of the government-to-government relationship that meetings such as this create.