Marcos and Lisa Zaldivar, an Alaskan native family, pictured standing with just some of the tools that were transported to Mr. Zaldivar's new job location.
On Tuesday, November 10th, 2009, the California Valley Miwok Tribal Office (located at 10601 Escondido Place, Stockton, CA 95212) received a call from a recipient of the Tribe’s USDA food distribution program. The recipient, Lisa M. Zaldivar of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribe of Alaska, after making numerous attempts to recieve much needed assistance from organizations and individuals only to be turned down, turned to the tribe that as she stated, “has done so much for her Indian family with so little to give”.
Her need for assistance is a common story. We live in a bad economy with a double-digit unemployment rate and her family, like most of us, was not immune to the impact this causes. Her husband, Marcos A. Zaldivar, has had a hard time with being displaced due to unemployment and has tried to re-enter the job market for over a year, but many jobs in his field of certification have diminished or have ceased to exist. He had now found a business in which to restart his career and provide for his Native American family, but needed just the minor assistance of the transporting of personal equipment required at his job site in time for his first scheduled day of work, or he would have to forfeit this chance to provide for his family.
The California Valley Miwok Tribe, currently unfunded, took up donations from within the Tribe and had Tribal Consultant Tiger Paulk provide transportation the following day. Mr. Zaldivar now has a means of supporting his family, working in a good location with great benefits and a manager whom is helping him to excel at what he does.
In these trying times and with the fast approaching holidays, the Tribe thought that this is the kind of story that should be told. A story of hope and achievement and that sometimes it does not take much just to lend a hand to lift someone up out of a dire situation to help them get back onto their feet. Marcos & Lisa Zaldivar, we wish you all the best for the holidays and in the coming years!