Representatives from various CTTP member tribes chat amongst each other during an intermission of the California Tribal TANF Partnership meeting that took place on November 18th, 2015, in Nice, California.
The California Tribal TANF Partnership (CTTP) held a regularly scheduled meeting at the Robinson Rancheria Conference Center in Nice, California, on November 18th, 2015. Representatives from many of the CTTP member tribes were in attendance, including Silvia Burley (Chairperson) and Anjelica Paulk (Vice Chairperson) of the California Valley Miwok Tribe.
The meeting commenced at 9 am, following an opening prayer provided by Robinson Rancheria Councilmember Jaime Boggs. A roll call was conducted by Michelle Lamkin, CTTP Executive Administrative Assistant, after which Robinson Rancheria Community Business Council Chairman Eddie J. Crandell asked the assembled tribal representatives if there were any issues to add to the meeting agenda before its approval. The previous meeting minutes log was read aloud by Michelle Lamkin and approved with minor corrections.
CTTP Executive Director Jeff Schueller spoke at length about CTTP’s efforts to improve and expand the scope of their Youth Employment Program, as well as concerns pertaining to how to better serve and retain TANF clients who may feel constrained by current policies.
The major focus of the meeting was to introduce and discuss policy changes within CTTP’s revamped Program Policy and Procedure Manual, of which a printed copy was provided to each attendee. Following a fifteen minute intermission, an overview of the manual’s table of contents was read aloud by CTTP Program Quality Assurance Coordinator Krisy Fletcher, whom allowed time for questions, comments or suggestions for each section.
After each section had been reviewed and discussed, Jaime Boggs recited a closing prayer and the meeting adjourned by 12 pm.
The overall tone of the meeting was very productive and positive, with much exchange of ideas between tribal representatives and the CTTP staff. The California Valley Miwok tribal representatives were glad to take part in this meeting and would like to thank the Robinson Rancheria and CTTP staff for their time and hard work that goes into coordinating these events.