"Stuff the Bus for Kids Sake", 6th Annual Food, Coat & Toy Drive, organized by the Manteca Unified School District Bus Drivers.
Manteca Unified School District Bus Drivers’ “Stuff the Bus for Kids Sake” 6th Annual Food, Coat, & Toy Drive is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th, 2013 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, at the Golden West School Parking Lot 1031 N. Main Street, Manteca, California.
This event was started in memory of Teresa McNeilage, who passed away on July 11, 2004 from A.L.S., also known as Lou Gehig’s Disease. Coworker Daveen Williams said, “Teresa was an avid volunteer and an extremely generous woman.” They had started an A.L.S. team “Teresa’s True Believers’ to raise money for A.L.S. awareness, so this (Stuff the Bus for Kids Sake), was another great way to keep her volunteering spirit going for the children of the local area.
Every year, the first weekend in December, the MUSD Bus Drivers take a school bus to Golden West Elementary School in Manteca to collect nonperishable food for Second Harvest Food Bank, new and gently used coats to be distributed to children throughout Manteca Unified School District area, and new toys for the Raymus House (which houses homeless women & children), and the Hope Shelter (which houses homeless families). The MUSD Bus Drivers also deliver annual toy donations to the Marines Toys for Tots collection site at Walmart in Manteca, and they sponsor a needy family in the Manteca area. They pick a family and take them food, coats and toys for the children. If any cash is donated, it is used to buy coats and mittens. They always put mittens in every coat they give away. The MUSD Bus Drivers are very grateful for the generosity of the community.
For more information, you may call Ms. Daveen Williams (California Valley Miwok Tribe, Tribal Member) at (209) 603-2207.