Pictured CVMT Staffer Tiger Paulk loads the food cart while Mr. Ron Buckman and Mr. Jesus Salas prepare more boxes to send down the conveyor.
On Tuesday, October 21, 2014, the California Valley Miwok Tribe held its monthly USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).
What are the eligibility requirements for FDPIR? Low-income American Indian and non-Indian households that reside on or live near a reservation, and that contain at least one person who is a member of a Federally-recognized tribe, are eligible to participate in FDPIR. Household are certified on income and resource standards set by the Federal government, and must be re-certified at least every 12 months. Elderly and disabled households may be certified for up to 24 months.
How to Apply. You may contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe at 209.931.4567 for a USDA FDPIR application. An application (in pdf format) can be emailed to you upon request.
The CVMT Tribal Council sincerely thanks the Tule River Reservation (USDA Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations), Mr. Richard McDarment, USDA FDIR Director, Mrs. Patricia Salas, USDA FDIR Intake Manager, Mr. Jesus Salas, USDA FDIR Staff, and Mr. Ronald Buckman, USDA FDIR Staff & driver.