November 2023 USDA Food Distribution
Tule River Food Distribution Department Specialist Ronald Buckman working with tribal staff during one of the events many distributions.
Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange, Ca. 95329
This month’s California Valley Miwok Tribal USDA Food Distribution was held on Thursday, the 16th, of November 2023.
It was amazingly good weather for this time of year with clear skies making for a pleasant day to have event. With all that that seems ongoing by local corrupt officials within BIA/CCA, the tribe is appreciative that in an attempt to further injure the rights and needs of both tribal families and indigenous people within our service area, that the United States Department of Agriculture and the Tule River Tribe and Food Distribution Departments have rebuffed their attempts in trying to cancel this badly needed program.
It would seem the BIA stands alone in their personal quest of criminality and interference into a sovereign tribe’s rights to provide for its people. If all other federal departments that work with the tribe know that, how is it the very department that is placed with the responsibility to assist and nurture successful growth and economic self sufficiency does not? Also, Superintendent Harley Long and Carol Rogers-Davis, what have you done with the millions of our misappropriated funds that you have received all these years and currently still unaccounted for?
Maybe it is time for a forensic audit? What tribes have you favored with our money or what pockets or benefits have you lined, maybe your own?
Regardless of your nefarious efforts, this was another very successful distribution and much for the tribe to also undertake in conducting personal deliveries. The tribe is grateful for all the other federal departments and federally recognized tribes, for their continued assistance and participation in keeping the California Valley Miwok Tribe and its federally recognized citizens and duly elected government not only relevant, but also able to continue to offer this service to all that apply and qualify within our service area.
At this time we would like to thank all listed below,
The United States Department of Agriculture, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, The United States Army Corps of Engineers, The California Office of Emergency Services, The California Department of Justice, The Red Lake Nation of Minnesota, The Tule River Tribe, The Tule River Food Distribution Department and to individual service provider and deliverer of program Mr. Ronald Buckman all of whose efforts in Indian Country by comparison make the Bureau of Indian Affairs efforts look dismal at best.