Food For Tribal Families, (FFTF) Director, Mildred Burley stands with this month’s distribution that was much needed by CVMT federally recognized tribal citizen families.
( The tribe contended with major Covid issues that caused a delay in story updates, for those who follow, sorry for the delay. )
On Friday, November 27th, 2020, the California Valley Miwok Tribe delivered to its “Food For Tribal Families” Director, Mildred Burley, the November distribution for her to disperse among the tribal families in the tribe’s service area.
This month saw a continuation of the generosity by those who donate to this program and grateful tribal family benefactors of those individuals and corporations donations.
Some in the tribe requalified under new regulations for USDA assistance so their distributions were set aside and delivered too.
We encourage everyone to check on the new regulations and see if you once could not get federal assistance if the new USDA exemptions
give you eligibility.
We would like to thank the United States Department of Agriculture, Walmart Stores Inc., Food For Less Inc., Morada and its surrounding community, all those who work within this program and volunteer their time and resources, and our Program Director, Mildred Burley.