
On Tuesday, March 12th, 2013, the California Valley Miwok Tribe held its monthly USDA Food Distribution.

With the time change being moved ahead one hour, recipients are enjoying warmer mornings when they come to pick up their allotments. The California Valley Miwok Tribe first initiated the USDA Food Program in 2009, making this the fourth year that CVMT has been distributing USDA Food allotments to needy families and individuals. USDA Food Applications can be requested by calling the Tribal Office at 209-931-4567.

The California Valley Miwok Tribe sincerely thanks the Tule River Reservation (USDA Food Program), Mr. Richard McDarment, USDA FDIR Director, Mrs. Patricia Salas, USDA FDIR Intake Manager, Mr. Jesus Salas, USDA FDIR Staff, and Mr. Ronald Buckman, USDA FDIR Staff & driver.